Pedalheads Aquatic Centre
West Vancouver, BC
Pedalheads Pool is Canada’s first all-stainless steel pool – the pre-fabricated nature of the installation was a cost-saving win. Conveniently located in Park Royal Mall, parents can duck out for a well-deserved coffee break while kids learn to swim in this unique and playful facility.
CNV Lawn Bowling Fieldhouse
North Vancouver, BC
The North Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club is the linch pin project in the City of North Vancouver’s massive Harry Jerome Neighbourhood Lands development. The project includes new international level competition bowls and modern clubhouse. New members welcome!
Photography: Andrew Latreille
Mark Hosford & Amanda Jehring
Mark and Amanda joined us in 2016 and 2018 and we are excited to announce their new associate status. They are a one-two punch of professionalism and thoughtfulness. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to work with them and check out their crazy moiré effect shirt choices in person!
Mark Woytiuk
Partner (Joined May 2015)
Mark joined us in 2015, and we are thrilled to count him as a partner now. We get to do what no other firm gets to: continue to craft our work and the the culture of our studio with Mark’s steady and thoughtful contributions.
Sunset Nursery & Operations Yard
Vancouver, BC
Building on the successful completion of the Masterplan, we are deep into the multi-year, multi-phase design and construction of the Sunset Nursery & Operations Yard. A cornerstone of South Vancouver operations, the project will provide a new home for local and city wide operations while remaining a good neighbour to the Community Centre, Arena, Park and local residents.
Currently under construction. Images: Carscadden