Moodyville Park Building

North Vancouver, BC

A crown jewel in North Vancouver’s park system, Moodyville Park has it all – a pumptrack, terraced playground, epic views, and the Trans Canada Trail. Together with PFS Studio, we dropped a pavilion/folly into the mix to allow everyone to enjoy the park a little more comfortably.

Queen's Park Sportsplex

New Westminster, BC

Replacing the Arenex, a well loved multi-sport facility that had become unsafe for use, the Queen’s Park Sportsplex became the City’s first CaGBC Net Carbon Zero project. You can still find the memories of the Arenex in the reclaimed timbers used at the entry and reception.
City of New Westminster Announcement

Photography: Eric Scott

Yellowknife Aquatic Centre

Yellowknife, NWT

Short-listed and Runners Up for the new Yellowknife Aquatic Centre, we were the design lead for a new 50m pool and associated community facilities in Yellowknife. (With Stantec, PCL)

Vancouver Outdoor Pools Study

Vancouver, BC

The foundation of any future project is good research. We worked with the City of Vancouver to develop comparison test fits for two potential locations for new outdoor pools and provide a robust framework for future decisions.

CoV Equitable Washroom Review & Gathering Place Washrooms

Vancouver Pilot Project: Gathering Place Washroom, Vancouver

Equitable washroom, change room, and locker room facilities are an important and widespread initiative across municipalities in BC. A series of simultaneous studies are underway to assess and prioritizes actions needed to improve gender equity and accessibility for a diverse public and workforce. Watch for these seeds to take root in our future projects.

Photography: Carscadden, Erik Scott

Summerland Feasibility And Site Fit

Summerland, BC

The well-loved Summerland Aquatic and Fitness Centre has served the citizens of this Okanagan community for decades and is due for a replacement. The District is undertaking a thorough and detailed process of discovery aiming ever closer to an appropriate and supportable new recreation facility. (With MAD Studio.)

Coquitlam Family YMCA Aquatic Centre

Coquitlam, BC

One of several YMCA projects in the office, we are the wet-side experts here for Stantec, helping them advance the YMCA’s mission:

Helping children and families thrive. Promoting healthy living. Fostering belonging and connection.

Photography: Carscadden

Dilworth Mountain Childcare Centre

Kelowna, BC

Designed and built to Passive House standards, this “three house” concept childcare centre ensures a healthy environment for Kelowna kids. Plus it’s cute as a button.

Photography: Eric Scott